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Council Members

Any member over 16 other than a paid employee of the Society, Company or Holdings may be nominated by another member for election to the Council. There are six vacancies for election this year. Names and details of the candidates will be published once the deadline has passed.

Both the nominee and nominator(s) must be Members and written evidence of the nominee’s willingness to serve, if elected, must accompany the nomination. 


The President, who shall be a non-executive officer, shall retire annually. Nominees for the position of President must be at least 18 years of age. Both the nominee and nominator(s) must be Members and written evidence of the nominee’s willingness to serve, if elected, must accompany the nomination. 


Any person over 18 may be nominated for election as a Vice-President by the Council or fifty members of the Society. The nomination must be accompanied by written confirmation of the nominee’s willingness to serve. Vice-Presidents, who shall be non-executive officers, shall hold office for life unless expelled from the Society.


Nominations are requested to be delivered by email to [email protected], but can also be submitted by post to the Secretary’s home address. This must be received by the Secretary by 27th June 2024. Nominees will receive confirmation within a few days; if this is not received, the Secretary should be contacted in enough time to rectify any problem before the deadline passes.