Over three days in early October, a small team of volunteers completely stripped No 7 Tom Rolt down to bare boiler.
The loco is due for scheduled maintenance work over the winter so needs to be completely stripped down for access to the boiler etc. During the weekend, the gang of around 7 people removed pretty much everything from the loco, including the cab, boiler cladding, chimney and firebox doors. The work to be done includes re-tubing, cladding on the backhead and a new smokebox door front. No 7 will back in service for Easter, all being well.
It wasn’t just No 7 receiving attention – No 5 Midlander is nearing completion of a head gasket overhaul and No 4 Edward Thomas was in steam to test one of the air pumps using the air pump trolley.
Thanks to everyone who came along and helped out over the weekend.
Photos by Martin Lester and Karen Willans.