Heritage Fund FAQ’s

A number of factors have led us to launch this project now.

  • Many of the issues are becoming increasingly urgent.
  • The availability of skilled people with the time and enthusiasm to help deliver the project.
  • Availability of funding particularly through the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

What is proposed?

We are still in the development phase of the project so final plans are yet to be formalised, but our current proposals include:

  • A new engineering facility on the site of the life expired North carriage shed.
  • A new carriage shed on a new site.
  • New carriage maintenance facilities and paintshop.
  • Additional volunteer accommodation including an accessible suite.
  • Remodelling Wharf Station building to provide a more accessible entrance, as well as an enlarged café and shop.
  • A new year round, all-weather heritage facility to tell the Talyllyn story.

While we are still firming up our proposals it is difficult to be precise but the development is likely to cost around four million pounds.

We have already secured initial funding from the National Lottery Heritage Fund towards the development of a full application for a grant from them of around one and a half million pounds. In addition, we are pursuing further grant funding from various sources with the help of professional consultants.

Other possible sources of funding are from legacies, and we are also looking for businesses prepared to help sponsor the project. To this end we will be offering bespoke sponsorship packages.

Another major source of funding will be The 75 Appeal launched in March 2024 with the aim of raising a minimum of £500,000 over the life of the redevelopment. A significant proportion of this will come from regular donations from members of The 75 Club further details of which are available separately and which will offer a number of exclusive packages.

What happens if we don’t get all the money from the Lottery or other funders?

If this should happen then we still intend to proceed with what we identify as the key elements of the project, as much of what is proposed will still be required. However, it is likely that time frames will shift as we seek further grants and undertake additional fundraising.

We are anticipating that once the go ahead is given the redevelopment will be completed in stages taking around five years in total (although as said previously this does depend on the availability of funding). Initially we will work to increase the number and range of volunteers, which will include the provision of additional volunteer accommodation. Priority will also be given to developing the new facilities at Pendre as well as developing our community engagement programme.

There are a number of ways in which you can help:

Do you have a business that could sponsor the project? Please get in touch to discuss our sponsorship packages.

Could you donate to The 75 Appeal? You can donate online at: https://donate.talyllyn.co.uk/appeal/home/the75appeal, or use the QR code on this page.

Become a member of The 75 Club of regular donors, for further details go to: https://www.talyllyn.co.uk/75appeal.

Do you think you could help in some other way? All offers of help and support, or any good ideas are welcome. Please send a message to: [email protected].