Income from visitors covers the direct cost of running trains but cannot fund the restoration and ensure the long-term survival of historically important locomotives, carriages and buildings.
What interested you may not always interest your family, but a gift in your Will could reduce the Inheritance Tax payable by your heirs, as donations of money or property to registered charities – such as Talyllyn Holdings Limited – are excluded from the valuation of your estate.
Legacies have helped us achieve projects that wouldn’t have been possible, a great example of this was the construction of the ‘Guest House’ which is a storage facility built at Quarry Siding. One of our members, Phil Guest, left a legacy and we were able to build the new shed in his honour – his name graces the side as you go past! The pictures show it being officially dedicated by our good friends Timothy West and Prunella Scales.
Talyllyn Holdings Limited is the company which owns all the shares in the Talyllyn Railway Company and is registered as a charity (No. 1089053) by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. A majority of the directors are appointed by the Talyllyn Railway Preservation Society.
A simple gift can be left by including in your will the sentence,
“I bequeath to Talyllyn Holdings Limited of Wharf Station, Tywyn, Gwynedd LL36 9EY, Registered Charity No. 1089053 the sum of £…”
If you would prefer to leave a residuary gift the wording would be,
“I bequeath {xx% of} my residuary estate to Talyllyn Holdings Limited of Wharf Station, Tywyn, Gwynedd LL36 9EY, Registered Charity No. 1089053.”
Your will should also include the sentences:
“I direct and declare that unless otherwise directed all legacies and bequests of residues to charities in this will are for the general purposes of such charity and with freedom to spend the capital sum in each case.”
“The receipt of any person who appears to be the proper officer of any charity which benefits from my will shall be a complete discharge to my Trustees.”
If you require any further information please contact:
David Mitchell, Legacy Officer,
Talyllyn Railway Preservation Society,
Wharf Station, TYWYN,
Or contact him by email at: [email protected]
Alternatively – download our legacy leaflet here Legacies